发布时间:2025-01-02 13:00:01
本文摘要:Twitter announced that it has suspended an additional 235,000 accounts for promoting terrorism over the past six months.在过去的六个月里,推特宣告又封停了23.5万鼓吹恐怖主义的账号。

Twitter announced that it has suspended an additional 235,000 accounts for promoting terrorism over the past six months.在过去的六个月里,推特宣告又封停了23.5万鼓吹恐怖主义的账号。This brings our overall number of suspensions to 360,000 since the middle of 2015, the company said in a statement Thursday.该公司周四在一份声明中回应:自2015年年中以来,我们早已重开了36万个这样的账号。Twitter says that daily suspensions of user accounts have increased by 80 percent since 2015. It adds that many of the suspensions immediately follow terrorist attacks.推特回应,自2015年以来,每天封停的用户账号数量下跌了80%。

该公司补足说道,很多账号在宣传恐怖袭击之后立刻就被重开了。The U.S.-based company says it also has made progress in preventing users who were suspended from immediately returning to the platform using different accounts and that it collaborates with other social platforms in identifying terrorist content.这家美国公司还回应,为了避免被重开的用户通过有所不同的账号返回这个平台,他们早已在识别恐怖主义内容方面和其他社交平台展开合作了。Despite the progress, many suspended users have found their way back onto Twitter.但是,很多用户还是寻找了返回推特的办法。The numbers include a fairly large number of users who are repeatedly suspended after creating new accounts, so the number of accounts suspended does not equal the number of users suspended, said J.M. Berger, a fellow at George Washington Universitys Program on Extremism. Its not a trivial number.乔治·华盛顿大学研究极端主义项目的J·M·伯格回应:这些账号中有相当大一部分,都是用户在创立新的账号后多次被封的,所以被删除的账号数量和被删除的用户数量是不对等的。

这可不是个小数目。Berger was the lead author of a 2015 study titled, The ISIS (Islamic State) Twitter Census, which found supporters of the Islamic State (IS) terror group used at least 46,000 Twitter accounts between September and December 2014, with an average of about 1,000 followers each.伯格是2015年一项取名为《ISIS推特账号调查》报告的第一作者。这篇报告找到,ISIS恐怖组织的支持者在2014年9月到12月期间享有最少46000个推特账号,每个账号约有100名粉丝。

Twitter has been criticized in the past for not doing enough to stem the flow of extremist content. Still, Berger credits Twitter with making progress.过去,推特因为遏制恐怖主义信息的力度过于而颇受抨击。但是,伯格坚信推特正在获得变革。The current ISIS network on Twitter is less than 10 percent of what it was in 2014 when we did the census, he said.现在,推特上ISIS的关系网络比2014年我们做到研究时的十分之一还要较少了。他说道。

In response to crackdowns by Twitter and other social media networks, IS followers have taken to other, encrypted messaging apps, such as Telegram and WhatsApp, to communicate with followers with limited success.因为推特和其他社交媒体网站毁坏了其关系网络,ISIS的支持者不得已用于像Telegram和WhatsApp这样加密的即时通讯应用软件来联系,而且成功率还不是很高。Telegram allows existing supporters to talk amongst themselves, but Twitter and Facebook are the main places they can find new supporters online, Berger said.他们可以用Telegram来向有数的支持者发消息,但是推特和脸书网是他们考古新的支持者的主要战场。伯格说。ISIS recruiters and propagandists know this and so they heavily emphasize that Telegram supporters should be creating new accounts on Twitter.ISIS的征兵官和宣传人员十分确切这一点,所以他们着重强调Telegram上的支持者应当创立推特账号。

